Mustard is the most basic staple in my refrigerator. I have always loved the “stone ground” type of mustard with crunchy bits of dark seeds and full of flavor. I prefer that type of mustard over the “yellow slime” that comes in the bright yellow barrel containers that have graced every picnic table in my childhood.
Read moreAbout Us: The Farm-to-Table Chef & The Seasonal Farmer
Kirsten is a farm-to-table chef with a love of nutritional healing through nutrient-rich pure foods. Don is a Farmer who takes extremely good care of his animals. Historically, he milked his goats for his love of making high-quality goat cheese. His future now has a milk cow in it, along with butter and cheese. The cow is new but the love of making cheese continues.
Together we are creating a Pure Simple Farm Life filled with clean organic homegrown foods. We will be sharing recipes and techniques using the foods grown seasonally here in the farm gardens and in the fields & forest.
Read morePractice Slow Living
Do you find yourself jumping out of bed when the alarm goes off? Your heart is racing, your feet on the floor, you are already down the stairs ready to get things done before your mind has barely registered that you are awake. You haven’t learned about Slow Living then.
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